If you're anything like me, you dread checking the veggie drawer about a week after you hit the grocery store. It seems like those healthy fruits and veggies just turn to mush as soon as they get cozy in the crisper.
If you're tired of letting your hard-earned cash rot away in the fridge, we're here to help. We've got 11 tips to help you keep your food fresh longer, so you can enjoy your groceries longer.
1. Celery

Cooktop Cove
Slice off the base of your celery. Then wrap the stalks (leaves and all) in a sheet of tin foil. Make sure it's all covered before storing.
2. Bread

Cooktop Cove
Don't have a breadbox? Try storing your loaf in the microwave. Bread needs a dark cool place to rest (but the refrigerator is a little too cool). Just remember to take that bread out before you use the microwave. You can portion your bread into freezer bags and freeze it to make it last longer.
3. Tomato Paste

Cooktop Cove
This genius hack is super simple. If you have leftover tomato paste (or tomato sauce for that matter), take the remaining portion out of the can and put it in a ziplock bag. Remove all the air from the bag and squish it flat. Using a butter knife trace a grid in the flattened bag and freeze. You'll be able to snap off pieces when you need them.
4. Bananas
Bananas go bad in days, which can be frustrating. Some tipsters online tell you to separate your bananas and wrap the stems in plastic wrap to keep them from ripening faster, but one reporter at The Kitchn discovered that the bananas that were kept together (unwrapped) seemed to fare better. So, keep storing those bananas together (just keep them away from the apples-- which really do speed up ripening process of other fruits they sit near).
Bananas go bad in days, which can be frustrating. Some tipsters online tell you to separate your bananas and wrap the stems in plastic wrap to keep them from ripening faster, but one reporter at The Kitchn discovered that the bananas that were kept together (unwrapped) seemed to fare better. So, keep storing those bananas together (just keep them away from the apples-- which really do speed up ripening process of other fruits they sit near).

5. Tomatoes
Store your tomatoes at room temperature, on the counter. Once they reach full ripeness, slip them in the fridge. Just remember to pull them out about a day before you use them to let the tomato recover before cooking, according to Food52.
Store your tomatoes at room temperature, on the counter. Once they reach full ripeness, slip them in the fridge. Just remember to pull them out about a day before you use them to let the tomato recover before cooking, according to Food52.
6. Freeze your spinach
If you find your spinach is getting a bit funky, rinse the spinach in water and dry using a salad spinner. Then bag it and freeze it. Alternatively, lay a paper towel on the bottom of a bowl and lay your spinach on top. Add another paper towel on top and cover. The paper towel will absorb any excess moisture and delay slimage.
If you find your spinach is getting a bit funky, rinse the spinach in water and dry using a salad spinner. Then bag it and freeze it. Alternatively, lay a paper towel on the bottom of a bowl and lay your spinach on top. Add another paper towel on top and cover. The paper towel will absorb any excess moisture and delay slimage.
7. Celery Part 2
Cut your celery from the base and store it standing up in a jar of water. (Psst, this works with asparagus too).
Cut your celery from the base and store it standing up in a jar of water. (Psst, this works with asparagus too).
8. Bag the 'shrumes
Keep your mushrooms better longer by removing them from the carton you purchased them in and toss them in a brown paper bag. The bag will keep the mushrooms from molding.
Keep your mushrooms better longer by removing them from the carton you purchased them in and toss them in a brown paper bag. The bag will keep the mushrooms from molding.
9. Empty the fridge
While your freezer operates better when it's got more in it, your fridge is the opposite. Remove excess food and leave some space for air to flow. This will keep all the food cooled evenly and prevent premature spoiling.
While your freezer operates better when it's got more in it, your fridge is the opposite. Remove excess food and leave some space for air to flow. This will keep all the food cooled evenly and prevent premature spoiling.
10. Store dairy upside down
Turn your yogurt, cottage cheese and sour cream on its head when storing it in the fridge to prevent air from sneaking in through the lid edges and speeding up the decomposition process.
Turn your yogurt, cottage cheese and sour cream on its head when storing it in the fridge to prevent air from sneaking in through the lid edges and speeding up the decomposition process.
11. Hide your onions, potatoes, and garlic
Separate your onions, garlic, and potatoes into bowls or baskets and tuck them away in a cupboard. These veggies need dark, dry places to stay in good condition. Keep them out of the fridge and off of the cupboard!
Separate your onions, garlic, and potatoes into bowls or baskets and tuck them away in a cupboard. These veggies need dark, dry places to stay in good condition. Keep them out of the fridge and off of the cupboard!
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